The Knowledge Network provides resources which give busy health and care staff access to summarised, quality assured, evidence based information, in an easy to navigate format.
Some of the products have mobile apps available. They may also have the option to create a personal account which allows users to track their reading and contribute towards continuing professional development activities. For further information, advice and training on a particular resource visit the help pages on that supplier's site.
If accessing from non-NHS premises you will need an NHS Scotland OpenAthens account to access these resources.
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Key resources
BMJ Best Practice
BMJ Best Practice is a Point of care tool supporting evidence based clinical decision making from diagnosis to treatment.
DynaMed is a clinical reference tool containing evidence-based information, to support clinicians to make informed decisions quickly and easily at the point of care.
ClinicalKey clinical overviews offer up to date, evidence-based summaries of clinical conditions. They are designed to offer quick, easily accessible answers at the point of care.
NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries
NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) offers summarised current evidence from over 370 of the most common clinical conditions in primary care topics.
Access NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries
Subject specific resources
Clinical evidence and knowledge on conditions and diseases for use at point-of-care. Evidence based information resource designed specifically for nurses.
Rehabilitation Reference Center
An evidence based, point of care information resource for allied health professionals.
Additional resources
High level research evidence from Cochrane systematic reviews. These are searchable via the Cochrane Library.
National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)
Research study summaries, and collections of research on specific topics, to inform your decision making in health and care.
Current awareness bulletins which provide you with the latest insights across a wide range of important health and social care topics.
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