Selected resources from our digital library
There are a wide range of eJournals and eBooks available through The Knowledge Network. Below is a selection of some of the titles that are available from our collection.
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- Addiction
- Adoption and Fostering
- Ageing and Society
- Autism
- British Journal of Learning Disabilities
- British Journal of Social Work
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Abuse Review
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Child and Family Social Work
- Child Development
- Child Maltreatment
- Children and Society
- Children and Youth Services Review
- Clinical Social Work Journal
- International Journal of Ageing and Later Life
- Journal of Adult Protection
- Journal of Applied Gerontology
- Journal of Family Violence
- Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
- Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency
- Journal of Youth and Adolescence
- Quality in Ageing and Older Adults
- Social Work Research
- Trauma, Violence & Abuse
- Working with Older People
- Children in difficulty : a guide to understanding and helping. Elliott, J. and Place, M. (2021) 4th ed.
- Coaching for wellbeing : an evidence based guide for practitioners. Nacif, A.P. (2023)
- Handbook for Support Workers in Health and Social Care : A Person-Centred Approach. Mackreth, P., & Walker, B. (2020) 1st ed.
- Helping skills for human service workers : building relationships and encouraging productive change. France, K. and Weikel, K. (2020) 4th ed.
- Humble inquiry the gentle art of asking instead of telling. Schein, E.H. (2013)
- Managing stress: skills for self-care, personal resiliency and work-life balance in a rapidly changing world. Seaward, B.L. (2021) 10th ed.
- New perspectives on health and social care. Powell, J.E. (2023)
- Oxford Handbook of Social Work in Health and Aging. Kaplan, D., & Berkman, B. (2015) 2nd ed.
- Practice education in social work: achieving professional standards. Beesley, P. and Taplin, S. (2023) 3rd ed.
- Principles of practice by principal social workers. Moore, T. (2023)
- Research through play : participatory methods in early childhood. Arnott, L. and Wall, K. (eds) (2021)1st ed.
- Routledge handbook of social work and addictive behaviors. Murray, M. M., & Begun, A. L. (Eds.) (2020)
- Social care in the UK’s four nations: between two paradigms. Needham, Catherine. and Hall, Patrick. (2023)
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