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Finding and ordering external materials

Finding and ordering material not in The Knowledge Network collections

Library Search results offer you online or print material available from our subscriptions and physical collections. Sometimes you want to find or access material that we do not have either in print or as an online subscription.

The ‘Expand My Results’ option lets you see articles which we only have the reference for but no access.

You see material by choosing the ‘Expand My Results’ button at the top of the filters section, on the left of the search results.

Some of your results will now say 'No full-text. Get it for me'.

To order an article you need to be signed into your Library account. 
Click on ‘Sign in’ to get the login page.

To see account details click on your name at the top right hand side of the screen.

Once logged in find the item you want and click on the No full-text link on the search result. 

This will open the item record where you can check for an Open Access version or order the item using the ‘Get it for me’ section.

If using ‘Get it for me’ then check the item details and complete the form. Articles will usually be sent via email.

You can see the progress of any requests by going into your library account.

What if the item does not appear when using Expand My Results?

If the item you want does not appear when using the ‘Expand My Results’ option then you can use the ‘Resource Sharing Request Form’. 

To access the ‘Resource Sharing Request Form’ link go to the main search page of the Library Search and look for the three dots on the top menu. 

This will open up an additional menu, which has the ‘Resource Sharing Request Form’ link. When you click on the link you will be directed to a form.

Complete as much of the information as possible and click ‘Submit’. 

You can see the progress of any requests by going into your library account.

If there is an eBook which does not appear in the Library Search results then you can submit a request through the eBooks Suggestion Form.

Requests for print items should be made to your your local board library service

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